Education can be rightly termed as the backbone of any society, government or organization. Without the right kind of education, success becomes almost impossible to achieve. Hand in hand with education goes teaching methodology or the ways in which education is imparted across the length and breadth of a nation. As times progress, it is natural for teaching methods to change or adapt to new technology for better benefits. So why is it so important to upgrade to new methods of teaching?
A child learns as much at home as at school. To say that teachers in the school are responsible for all the learning that your child can be subjected to, would be, to say the least, completely wrong. As far as support systems go, your child depends as much on you as their teachers for learning. Sometimes, even more.
As you may have experienced yourself, learning is a lifelong process. And the onus to help your child become a lifelong leaner lies on you more than anyone else. How can you, therefore, accomplish this, mind you, mammoth task of raising lifelong learners? |
AuthorKevin is an enthusiastic writer who
writes and shares interesting blogs. So stay tuned to the blog and
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December 2021